
Talent Hunters (Pvt.) Ltd. as a national HR consultancy firm of Pakistan, work with entrepreneurs to transform strategy into reality. We develop talent, help people be more effective, and motivate them to perform at their best. Our clients, we call them partners, come from the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors, across every industry. Their diverse business challenges mean we help them recognize and face their unique issues, as well as their unique challenges.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

How to Improve Employee Retention: Attracting the Right Candidates

Over the years, Engage has implemented a number of policies that serve the dual purpose of attracting potential employees and keeping current ones passionate and committed. Here are a handful of examples:
  • Engage gives hiring priority to people who live near the office because they believe that long commutes are detrimental to work-life balance.
  • Instead of a traditional vacation policy, the company lets employees take time off from a leave bank, in which they can accumulate as many as 60 days off to use as they see fit. This policy has helped with employee retention, particularly by making it easier for female employees starting families to take time off and ultimately return to work.
  • During the hiring process, Engage administers the DISC Personality test, which charts the four characteristics, drive, influence, steadiness, and compliance, to build personality profiles for new hires. All employees' test results are public knowledge, which Hoffman feels helps people understand one another and get along.
  • By setting quarterly goals with rewards attached, such as iPods for the whole team or a trip to a nice restaurant, Engage can encourage employees beyond the competitive, and potentially divisive realm of salary bonuses. The group nature of these rewards is important, says Hoffman, because "somebody who is not motivated by getting an iPod knows that other people in his or her group are and doesn't want to let them down."
In addition to spurring employees to productivity, this team structure can make them happier in the workplace. Argote says, "there's evidence that being in cohesive work groups where members like each other reduces turnover."

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